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POSSIBILI DERIVE (Possible Drifts)

CONCEPT > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
PRODUCTION > Senza Confini Di Pelle
PERFORMER > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
COLLABORATIONS > Mosaico Danza – INSIDE/OFF - Festival Interplay, MCF - Belfioredanza, Villaggio d’Artista 2015 - associazione Lis lab Performing Arts, SPAM! Rete per le arti contemporanee, Piemonte dal Vivo
LENGTH > 20 minutes
Premiére of the study > Villa Giulia, Verbania (NO) - Italy, 27 September 2015
Premiére > Museo Ettore Fico, Festival Interplay, Torino - Italy, 10 June 2016

Possibili Derive is a performance of a wide project called Selfie MySefl about the use of the selfie as representation of our exsistential condition.

Possibili Derive is a study on perception, a question on where we are going, on possible landing place toward which we strive.

It's a study on representation of reality.

The drift is to free the control, to leave cradle oneself from confusion, in this state we are pushing by the flow, we sails without a certain goal, so in this confusion our society advances toward a future that seems next to the collapse.

The visual aspect is a rich part of our contemprary society of which the selfie is the emblem. The reality is lived by the visual medium of the photo or the video, creating a fracture between the concrete experience and the visual representation of it.

To make a photo of itself in a place becomes most important that to be present: to be becomes real in its representation, to be is to have an image of itself. We exsist in the moment in which we auto-represent ourself in a photo that all can see and share.

From this point of view The society of the spectacle described by Guy Debord has a literal meaning: a society that exsists only in the moment in which it auto-represent itself. The visual support becomes the instrument that allows to belong to this society.

We are curbed in the representation of the reality that we want to control. In the anxiety of capturing the frames that represent us in the best way, we lose the moment intensity. Focused on a detail we forget to join the treasure of the whole.


Photo Andrea Macchia