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CONCEPT > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
CHOREOGRAPHY AND PERFORMER > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
VIDEO EDITING > Dario La Stella
MUSIC > David Bowie, Lou Reed, Massimo Volume, Radiohead
PRODUCTION > Senza Confini Di Pelle 2021
COPRODUCTION > S'ALA Società Umanitaria - Centro Servizi Culturali Alghero
WITH THE SUPPORT OF > Ministero della Cultura Direzione Generale Spettacolo, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

OUT is a videodance project between ethnography, architecture and landscape.
The project investigates the meaning of exposure, making outing, but also to be out, to be excluded, isolated, abandoned, from the contexts and public interest.

The project highlights the relation between anthropized and natural spaces, rarely frequented and lived places, in a sort of dialectic that shows how the hiding is actually
showing and how showing is a kind of hiding.

OUT is an aesthetic project with a social aim: to reveal how the garbage we produce is one of the most devastating effect of our contemporary, not only as pollution form but also as social alienation

The project is articulated in chapters.
The first one is titled “DREAMING MUGONI - SEGRETI E FANTASMI”.

This chapter shows the abandoned spaces of Villa Mugoni in Alghero, archtitecure of great charm, a place once beautiful and full of life, but since many years abandoned and pratically invisible from who pass through distracted.

The dramaturgy of the show is developed by a contaminated language with many performative disciplines between theater, dance, filmmaking and visual art, creating the different scenes by dialogues, choreography and video projections. The text is based on two great classical theater drama: The Seagull of Anton Cechov and A Doll’s House of Henrik Ibsen, that are mixed to the relationship of the two characters, inserting contemporay elements into the told tale.