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NEL FLUSSO (Into The Flux)

CONCEPT > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
CHOREOGRAPHY > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
DRUM SET > Dario La Stella (samples: lva Noto & Ryūichi Sakamoto, Einstürzende Neubauten, Mike Patton)
PRODUCTION > Senza Confini Di Pelle
COLLABORATION > S'ALA - spazio per artist*, Meridiano Zero, ResPublica

NEL FLUSSO (Into The Flux) is a performance of danza and music played by 2 dancers and 1 jazz drummer.

The performance uses improvisation as tool for the instatn composition of music, dance and text. The 3 performer on the stage, in constant dialogue, generate a succession of dramaturgical landscapes always different, driving the audience in a extemporaneous visual and acoustic journey.

Music, dance and text converse between them composing a whole where the mutual listening is the only bond.

In a crescendo of sound and visual stimuli, narratives multiply, images materialize.
The suggestions are captured, never announced, the changes of direction launched and allowed to explode, the sudden silences grasped to generate amazement: it is the music that dances in the bodies that resonate with the passing of time.

The encounter in instant creation, in the flow generated by the vibration, by what spreads, propagates and reverberates, in what we are when we go beyond the known.
A performance that wants to open up new possibilities, widening the boundaries of pure entertainment, revealing a vitality that does not stop, does not accommodate itself, but flames and breaks into space.

(D. La Stella)

Explaining what happens in the flow is always reductive: things that go beyond words happen.
(A. Baldinu)