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Homo Spatium in Turin

CONCEPT > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
PRODUCTION > Senza Confini Di Pelle
COLLABORACTION > Ricerca_X, University of Turin, Piemonte dal Vivo, Festival Architettura in Città

The project Homo Spatium is inserted in the context of Ricerca_X Workspace of practice (research and practice sharing on dance dramaturgy) and Festival Architettura in Città. Ricerca_X 2016/17 was structured in 4 resindecies of 2 weeks where 9 performing artists have shared thier own research and they have reflected on dance dramaturgy implications. Homo Spatium has elaborated the theroy structure of the project investigating by the performance the basic concepts connected to the border, the map and the identity.

The project has realized a public performance during Landscapes of practice, thanks to the collaboration of Festival Architettura in Città, organized by Ordine degli Architetti di Torino. The performance was the result of a workshop focalized on the relation City/Identity and performed by three teenergers.