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CONCEPT > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
CHOREOGRAPHY AND PERFORMER > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
SOUND TRACK > Dario La Stella (samples: lva Noto & Ryūichi Sakamoto, Einstürzende Neubauten, Mike Patton)
PRODUCTION > Senza Confini Di Pelle
COLLABORATION > S'ALA - spazio per artist*, Meridiano Zero, Les Bruixes

Fame (Hunger in italian) is a void to be filled, something that ties us inextricably to the world around us, it is an aggressive form of animal being, the necessity of life.

Fame is also a metaphorical feeling of psychological emptiness, the need to feed of other people, it is emotional dependence.

Fame often regards the family sphere, the intimate of our daily life, but often it is also the media exposure of this form of protagonism, it is being famous thanks to the hunger for intimate facts and the construction of front page figures.

Sometimes Fame is the will to expose one's desire for abuse of power, a constant uncontrolled voracity that eats people, environment and conscience.

The show is a dramatic structure composed of abstract and concrete choreography, a constant sound environment, simple and everyday objects.