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CONCEPT > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
CHOREOGRAPHY AND PERFORMER > Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
SOUND TRACK > Dario La Stella (samples: Alva Noto & Ryūichi Sakamoto, Olafur Arnalds, Simeon Ten Olt)
PRODUCTION > Senza Confini Di Pelle
COLLABORATION > S'ALA - spazio per artist*, Meridiano Zero, Teatro d'Inverno

Acciaio is a dramaturgical structure born from different choreographic environments.

An uninterrupted sequence of paintings that flow into each other with an incessant rhythm of music.
A flow of images that leads the viewer into dreams and dystopias of our reality.
The two dancers interpret the cacophony of languages in which we are immersed daily, fighting against a overflowing tide of signs that crushes our lives and makes us prisoners of our own movements from which we would like to free ourselves.

The show was born from a long research developed in two years of artistic residences in Italy among which the main ones were: Ricerca X (2017, Lavanderia a Vapore di Collegno - Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo, Torino), Cavallerizza Reale (2017, Torino), Bract (2018, Breve Residenza Artistica di Comunità e Territorio, Arona), S'ALA - Spazio per artist* (2018, Sassari), Museo Archeologico Nazionale G. Sanna (2018, Sassari), Festival POP - Ottobre in Poesia (2018, Sassari).