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Residential Workshop in Nature

Residential workshop of dance and perception at Stromboli island.
Deep in the wild nature of the island, the workshop is focused on a work of sensorial perception.
The 4 base elements (air, water, earth, fire) will be the core of the study. The peculiar geological environment of Stromboli allows to enter in contact with the base elements in a unique and suggestive way. Wind, water, igneous rock and fire contribute to create an ideal terrain to perception work as stimulus to dance in osmosis with the natural environment.



The work days will follow the indications of the base elements: for each elements will be chosen a specific place for the study.
Each day will be divided in activities of "meditation", "dynamic" and "expression".
In the meditation practices the work is focused on 5 sense perception in relation with wind, sea, earth and fire.
The dynamic activity is composed by exercises of warming up and stretching of muscles.
The expression session is the translation in dances of the received stimulations. It's a personal session where everyone frees own dance of the studied element.



It works in direct contact with the nature that becomes integral part of the creative process.
The work will be both personal in the own process of osmosis with the environment and in relation with the group.
In some days we will work in the night, in other days in the first morning before the sunrise or at sunset.
Dance, Theatre and Yoga techniques will be used during the workshop as also original methodologies elaborated by the performing practice of Senza Confini Di Pelle.
The perceptive exercises are used to open the body to its sensorial faculties, putting the sight in second order: the perception of 4 base elements will be stimulated by sounds, scents, surfaces.



Housing is provided by an old Eolian residence with comfortable rooms, commons area to eat and relax, a wonderful wood and an extraordinary view on the Strombolicchio islet.
The cost of workshop covers housing and food. The cooking prepares omnivorous and vegetarian food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.



From Saturday 17 to Friday 23 of September 2016.
5 hours of daily work divided during the day.
Check-in Saturday morning until 12:00 am. Start of the workshop 02:30 pm.
Check-out Friday morning until 10:00 am.

Links to reach and leave the island:
Go to - departure from Napoli (Siremar ferry) - departure from Palermo and Milazzo (Libertylines ferry)
Back - departure from Stromboli to Milazzo (Libertylines ferry). From Milazzo train to Roma (departure at 09:26 pm, arrival Saturday 24 at 07:13 am).
Ferry Siremar http://www.siremar.it/index.php (italian only) contact center +39 (Multilanguage) - info port of Napoli  +39 081 5800340

Daily links from Milazzo and Messina to Stromboli: http://eng.libertylines.it/

Train http://www.trenitalia.com/tcom-en

For information and booking: info@senzaconfinidipelle.com - +39 3470561735 / +39 338 4040237
Send CV and motivation letter until 4 September